MUBARAKUSDT Hourly Technical AnalysisMUBARAKUSDT Hourly Technical Analysis
Mubarak Coin is currently in a recovery phase after being affected by Bitcoin’s decline. After forming support at 0.1288, it has reached the 0.1381 resistance level. At this level, it appears very close to the 21-day moving average. If it manages to stay above this average, the 0.1527 resistance level can be monitored. Indicators are currently in a positive state.
This meme coin is supported by CZ. It is currently being voted on for listing on the Binance exchange. While supporting this meme coin, CZ has been seen posting on his social media accounts wearing the traditional Arab attire featured in the coin’s symbol. In short, since there is a possibility that the MUBARAK coin may be listed on Binance in the future, the likelihood of positive price movements is high.
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