Vidya2Mar 31, 2024INFOTECValuePlusGrowth Investing is all about looking into what are the Rational Drivers of EPS, DPS and P/E, and how to evaluate and valuate the Rational Drivers to outline the rational range of present intrinsic values and of futures.
Vidya2Mar 16, 2024INFOTECConservative Extrapolated Revenue Growth Factor 2024= (1,836+5,216+788)÷(1,404+4,445+358)= 1.2630900596Conservative Extrapolated Revenue 2024= 71.929×1.2630900596= 90.8528048977mConservative Extrapolated Net Profit 2024= 90.8528048977×0.294= 26.7107246399mConservative Extrapolated EPS 2024= 26.7107246399÷363.229= RM 0.0735368724Extrapolated Dividend Payouts= 0.0232÷0.053= 43.77358491%Conservative Extrapolated DPS 2024@43.77358491% Payout= 0.0735368724×0.4377358491= RM 0.0321897253