BIDU EARNINGS PLAYSBIDU announces earnings "some time tomorrow", so it could be either before or after market; if you want to play it, look to put on a setup before today's market close. One thing I would note is that the bid/ask spreads aren't that great, implying that the options' liquidity isn't the best in the world, so I would look to put on a play at the mid price, but not to chase price ... . In any event, here are the setups:
For the folks who like to "go naked":
Feb 19th 124/157.5 short strangle
Probability of Profit %: 72%
Max Profit: $225/contract
Buying Power Effect: Undefined
For those who are "more shy" or of a defined risk bent (I've gone out a little farther in time because I can't get the long option strikes I want for a symmetrical setup in the Feb 19th expiry):
Feb 26th 115/120/165/170 iron condor
Probability of Profit %: 70%
Max Profit: $117/contract
Buying Power Effect: $382
Look to take off the entire setup at 50% max profit or a single side nearing worthless. In the event a side is tested, look to roll that side out to a later expiry and sell and oppositional side against the rolled out option(s) for a credit that exceeds the cost of the roll of the tested side.