BITF i am happy to see Bitcoin up today. $1700 approaching record highs again $93,000 +- and bit farms, down 3%. The only way to make money with this stock(my opinion) is to sue them or be an ex-CEO.
BITF For some reason the Ind. news (bad news) was focused on bitf, the miners took a 15% haircut across the board yesterday research it. Miner difficulty was up 62%, and taking in to concideration the $12 million dollars for the settlement of lawsuits and ex CEO compensation, BITF may have had the best 3rd qt. of all the Miners...someone needs to do the math and spread this information. BITF to me is still the most forward looking company out there with promising growth and data center growth that could enhance the whole AI and crypto industry PLEASE SPREAD THIS INFORMATION it is critical for the next 6-12 mos. short come and future holdings of this stock Jack 🦄