3/7/25 - $gamb - Hit my "would like to own" zone3/7/25 :: VROCKSTAR :: NASDAQ:GAMB
Hit my "would like to own" zone
- we're in the hand grenades and not sniper market
- cash gen here great. good mgns.
- small cap, good growth
- like the CEO
- hit my "would buy" zone today
- i'm allocating about 20% of my book to 1-2.5% positions this year that i plan to rent out (covered calls) when the mkt finds some form of bottom/ move
- even tho "everything" has 20-30% downside potential, the goal is to avoid the -50% + type names and know what i own
- for that reason my book remains
- OBTC 40%, NXT ITM LEAPS 35%, i keep bouncing between NVDA/TSM... but think TSM keeps me more protected on downside magnitude w/ clear visibility for upside (avgo result highlights why... "unlimited" demand for this fab)
- lmk if u see differently on $GAMB. I still like OTC:EVVTY more, but don't like the fact that i can't sell calls on it.