Short GRABDont know why this is trending up today considering the markets reaction over fed news and rate cuts nowhere to be seen anytime soon, preparation for higher rates for longer loom on the stock market. While many equities have done well in this economic downturn, equities similiar to this stock e.g UBER LYFT have been massively outperforming GRAB by a long shot. Is it the exposure to ASIA?, the considerable amount of shares outstanding considering the company announced their first ever company share buyback. Their way of managing the company handling multiple sources of sectors into one company e.g financials, ride sharing etc.
They seem to be all over the place in this space so as technical look to be lining up again to the upside I would be very careful with this stock as this rise in price may be too early and investors short again in the mids 3s. Which occured even more this time around as GRAB chief human resources officer CHIN YIN ONG continuously shorting the stock, selling increments of 48k x 2, + 160k shares all sold at prices ranging from 3.16-3.30
very very interesting how right after they announced sharebuybacks their own staff are dumping shares at lower prices purposely losing confidence from investors
their chief product officer selling 150k shares at a price of 3.16 02-26 did not help either.
so long as these individuals continue to sell at the low prices be prepared to be shorted by these insiders