MULN anyone in the comment section complaining?. should have done their due diligence and learn that this company is a scam and a sham. just a prop up to funnel money to executives. anyone who has faith in this company. it's the same person that trusts the fart when they have the flu. they have never made a dollar. and they just lose millions. but we're going to the Moon 🤥
MULN thank mr. Reagan and his shit policy of unregulated markets where short sellers can ruin companies. nevertheless, the poor management of this company is also to blame. by the end of Q1 Will be under $1 again...
MULN Check out this news article 👀 Rosen Law Firm Urges Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) Stockholders to Contact the Firm for Information About Their Rights
MULN this company belongs in jail and reported to the sec major market manipulation insider trading its embarassing dont waste your money 4 stock splits 2 years and now look garbage