PPI bets on its active management team to invest in real assets anticipated to benefit from a sustained inflationary environment. Real asset-related investments include various asset classes, such as equities in the energy, financials, industrial, and materials sectors, global inflation-protected debt securities, and global real estate-related securities, as well as other ETFs with exposure to commodities or fixed income. Equity investments are expected to be 50-60 large- to midcap companies, including MLPs and royalty trust units. Selected commodities are those perceived to benefit from higher demand, elevated global growth, or a shortage of supply such as energy, metals, cattle, coffee, and corn. The portfolio may also hold investment-grade fixed income securities of any maturity, including Treasury inflation-protected securities. Prior to Oct. 15, 2024, the fund was called Astoria Inflation Sensitive ETF. Prior to March 12, 2025, the fund was named AXS Astoria Real Assets ETF.