oil and the case for why you live in a movieYou ever wonder why the last two elections of the beloved man went kinda similar.
Like two women, and they were hated by all, but "pumped" by the media...
Then 2-3.5 weeks out from the election, SNL makes fun of the women and they are said to be "not what Americans need or want" or something to that tune
Then suddenly there is mass "oh deep state suddenly exists now" within 3 weeks of the elections lasting into the first 2 months of office holding.
Then there is this whole sudden complacency among everyone by like month 1.5 to 2 months in...even though the country is being torn to shreds infrastructure wise and debt laden to the teeth
Then there is the mass promises to fight off the baddies and expose everyone for their wrong doing and get "Merika" back on track
Then there is this sudden shakeup where people start wondering why their guy is offloading tariffs and sanctions on everyone and yet not focusing on this whole infrastructure "make this pig pretty again" and then pumping Ukraine with money and weapons>>>"I sent the Javelins"
Then we shall skip that 2020 stuff for reasons that if it wasn't there, you couldn't see it (check out a simple googling of "excess deaths constant across decades" to see if you can't see IT)
Then he gets labeled a baddie and needs to be run out of town with supposed election complications allowing for 4 years of >>>>look that way>>now look at NVDA>>>now look at Ukraine>>>then dont look there>>>now look at those terrible people making everything for us cheaply and not supplying weapons to a place as close as Cuba>>>now look at USAID>>okay every whats that in the sky...is that Dodge or some shiny coin...wait no, just more rug pulls by sanctioned and elected people
are you catching my drift....you need to see that the roads are bad, your insurance premiums are high and medical attention is poor...and that the "American dream is basically up for grabs", so you all just handed it to someone who literally rug pulled all of you 2 times before and after inauguration and then once again last Sunday on a media post
Here...this is from some of the guys at the 4 "Three Letter Agencies" i worked with and had contacts with to make sure you can think properly... a thought experiment:
If it looks like a duck, okay....And it walks like a duck, okay....and it quacks like a duck, okay...Then how did inferior steel and technology that is less significant that a Nvidia GPU get to the marble in the sky and we haven't done it since that great sexy year :), okay...its because You are the duck and you live off the crumbs you are fed. To which when you complain, the feeders (powers at be/deep state) say, "You were free to do as you please and leave at any time and you decided to come over for something real quick to satisfy you and forgot who you were....look in the pond and what do you see?"
ask any childhood torture victim or study abused people^^^ its how you know, cause if you dont get it, then you never will.
So in short....Chinese electric use is skyrocketing and their oil is going down due to technological achievements and there is less going on in the west cause you have been in a recession since 2022...look at many charts of staple food or product companies and you will see it. So hold on folks...cause that next piece of bread they are planning to throw out at you may be a dooosy
ps..spelling of words and phrases structured in a way are made so to elicit certain feelings...so read carefully and remember: "Fire" can be said 5 different ways but its just a word after all