A rude awakening .....Please read this story slowly and carefully. Pass it on to someone you know who may be suffering from gambling problems.
AMC Entertainment was the next heavily overbought stocks other than Gamestop.
And it is such heavy speculation in the stock market that gives people who are not familiar with stock investment a bad name, calling stock investing as gambling, speculation, high risks game, etc.
In fact, stock investing is a boring activity as once the research work is done and the stock is bought, there is little activity that the investor needs to do. In the words of Mark Cuban , he says;“When I buy a stock, I make sure I know why I’m buying it. Then I HODL until I learn that something has changed,” he said. “The price may go up or down, but if I still believe in the logic that made me buy he asset, I don’t sell. If something changed that I didn’t expect, then I look at selling.”
Here are a few examples - NIO , Amazon , Yum China China A50 , to name a few.
In parting, I leave you the words of God here :
Proverbs 13:11 ESV
Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.