Long CR at 177.84 - sometimes you just gotta break the rulesI am on record more than once here saying that I don’t like trading stocks without long trading histories. I stand by that “rule” but on this occasion, I’m going to break it. That lovely uptrend is only part of the reason why.
NYSE:CR has only been publicly traded since the spring of 2023. It has produced some of the best results in the entire spectrum of stocks I follow in that time, though. I won’t dig into all of it - I’ll just focus on the last 12 months. 16 buy signals, 15 wins and one (yesterday) incomplete. What is amazing is that 14 of the 15 before yesterday would have closed profitably in just 1 day…and the one that didn’t would have only taken 2 days.
The average gain for all of them is 1.59% (including the one from yesterday that is currently a “loser”). In case you’re scoring at home, that’s an annualized rate of return of just under 400%. Now I won’t make any promises here, we are dealing with a small sample size. Also, a couple of the trades right after it went public took quite a while to play out. One of those trades gained 13+%, though. But I don't break the rules for just any stock and this isn't a hypothetical buy - my money is on the line here.
I resisted temptation yesterday, but I just couldn’t today.
Per my usual strategy, I'll add at the close on any day it is still producing a buy signal and I will use FPC (first profitable close) to exit any lot on the day it closes at any profit.
As always - this is intended as "edutainment" and my perspective on what I am or would be doing, not a recommendation for you to buy or sell. Act accordingly and invest at your own risk. DYOR and only make investments that make good financial sense for you in your current situation. Especially given the short track record for this stock.