FCEL 1W Bearish Running Flat CorrectionWave 4 of C upwards over 100% then final wave 5 down to retracement of previous wave 2 on the left. 82% Decrease in Price for wave 5.
FuelCell Energy, Inc. engages in the development, design, production, construction and servicing of high temperature fuel cells for clean electric power generation. It develops turn-key distributed power generation solutions and provides comprehensive services for the life of the power plant. The firm's fuel cell solution is an alternative to traditional combustion-based power generation and is complementary to an energy mix consisting of intermittent sources of energy, such as solar and wind turbines. It provides solutions for various applications, including utility-scale distributed generation, on-site power generation, combined heat and power, distributed hydrogen, carbon capture and hydrogen-based long duration storage. The company's platform has the differentiating ability to do all these applications utilizing multiple sources of fuel including natural gas, renewable biogas, and propane among others sources. The company was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Danbury, CT.