$PERP Tools used:
4 HOURLY CHART, checking for most recent trend pattern
Lowest low: 26th March 2021 8PM (UTC +8), vertical line
Highest High: 2nd April 2021 12PM (UTC +8), horizontal line, before breakdown happens until today 5th April 2021 1:30AM (UTC +8),
X-Y coordinates between vertical line and horizontal line from the top, draw gann fan on a 45 angle
X-Y coordinates between vertical line and horizontal line from the bottom, draw gann fan on a 45 angle
Gann Fan ratio 8/1, 3/1, 2/1 identified the support and resistance of the breakout from 5th April 2021 1:30AM (UTC +8),
Possible bullish price actions:
As per blue highlighted bars