Toncoin vs Litecoin (Comparison)Here we can see how the "mountain peak" is considered a high price and denotes bearish potential. The valley is where the low prices are found and where accumulation happens before a major bullish wave.
Compare this chart and trade-idea with the Litecoin vs Toncoin trade-idea just published ( see here ). The difference is huge.
➖ One pair is trading pretty high, near resistance; Toncoin.
➖ Another pair is trading pretty low, near support; Litecoin.
Now, the market can do whatever it does.
The market can move in whatever way, it is hard to predict or make a guess, but, if you are buying expecting for prices to rise, the wise choice is the one trading low.
When prices are high, either SHORT or wait for the market to move lower before moving in.
This is the big difference to consider now when looking at the charts.
Some are trading at the bottom while others are not.
The bottomed out ones are safe. Even if there is another drop or some more consolidation, it is easy to wait and think long-term. Those high up are not good because we don't know for how long they will correct (how low they can go) nor how much consolidation they will need to move back up. It is better to wait from the outside with capital on hand and get the better prices when there is a major drop.
Popular wisdom goes something like this: Sell high, buy low.