TRUMPUSDT lost more than 27% in 65 minutes, an hour or so ago. Be careful with your risk management, guys. I said it would retest 32, and it "only" went to 35. But I still think we'll see 32.
TRUMPUSDT Most of the big investment banks were on the wrong side of the political divide this election, which is how Kamaltoe raised a billion and a half dollars in 90 days. They bet wrong.
Now they are facing a new SEC chair that is not only crypto friendly and outspoken, he also likely has a memory that goes back further than 6 months.
Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America et al must be thinking about how cheap TRUMP is looking at $50. Or $100. Or $200. Or $500.
There is an old Wall Street saying: Nickels spent on trinkets will come back dressed up looking like a dollar. 😊