The fund is actively managed to provide investors with high monthly cash distributions and capital appreciation by investing, on a leveraged basis, in the Harvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF (HTA). The underlying ETF holds a concentrated, equal-weighted portfolio of 20 global tech companies with at least $10 billion in market-cap, targeting an average current-year forward P/E and an average PEG lower than the average of the investable universe, and an average 3-year ROE greater than average. To achieve lower overall portfolio volatility, the underlying ETF writes covered call options at its discretion on not more than 33% of its securities. The fund may also invest in other funds, including those managed by the fund manager. To create leverage, the fund uses cash borrowings, short sales and/or derivatives. The maximum aggregate exposure to cash borrowing, short selling, and derivatives will not exceed approximately 33% of the fund's NAV.