Toronto, world class cityaverage income of 60k although it seems lots of people are doing well, inflation is the reality, and this year is going to be THE WORST for cpi #'s-
total #of people remaining on the list peaked in 2020- "but but muh trickle economics is clearly working!"
-people- aren't buying 3 mil homes and 2 mill condos in Toronto, credit, and BOMAD down payments are the source, rates just went up after we asked a bunch of 20 yr olds to leverage themselves to get into the (housing/stonk) market last year "cause it only goes up"
builders have begun threating to stop building weeks ago as they don't see profits in their builds.
127 foreclosures currently listed on classifieds from a quick google search
and the worst of all- housing bros 1000x worse than crypto bros. - some indications of exuberance.
most of this market is based on home value and banking (home value leverage)- multiple properties owned by singular investors, rent is ramping up to compensate as no one wants to buy- and renters are responsible for mortgage payments or the bank for presumably forecloses on you in 3 months
buyers are likely waiting out value corrections and the next possible rate hike to utilize a better down payment percentage from the sale of their overvalued home if they haven't bought by now.