The fund provides narrow exposure to global companies positioned to benefit from the two subthemes: electric vehicles and autonomous driving technologies. To be eligible for index inclusion, securities must be a part of the Morningstar Global Markets Index (parent index) and scored by Morningstars Equity Research analysts. Companies are evaluated based on 5-year revenue projections which translate to four-point scale thematic exposure scores. Morningstars committee reviews and/or revises the assigned scores to optimize internal consistency. Firms with a score of 0 are excluded, leaving those that are considered producers or suppliers of goods and services related to the subthemes. Securities are then categorized as Tier 1 or Tier 2 based on their exposure score. If the total number of Tier 1 stocks is greater than or equal to 50, then all such are selected. Otherwise, Tier 2 securities are selected until the portfolio reaches 50 constituents. Holdings are market cap-weighted, with individual security weights capped at 4%. The index rebalances annually.