Dow Jones And The Law Of The SeaThe financial markets are setup in a way that symbolizes the Ocean and follows the Law of the Sea.
Your cash is a LIQUID asset that is sat in a riverBANK. Your cashFLOW is used for LIQUIDITY when you purchase an asset. The banks direct the flow of money or CURRENT(cy).
Inflation = inflatable rescue craft used when a debtor/dead ore has lost its charge.
When currency is used, it loses its value or its battery gets depleted. The inflatable craft must be blown up with more fresh air "currency" or to put simply, to print more money.
The word check is literally the meaning of KING in Persia. This is why in chess, when the king is in danger of being eliminated, you say CHECK. This means to cut a king.
When you are looking for a good price to buy, you are looking for a good DEAL. A deal is in ancient maritime commerce, a plank of softwood timber used on the deck of the ship. In commerce, it used as buying or selling. To get a good deal, refers to a certain area on the ship where goods were sold. The deals were made literally on the deals of the merchant ships. This is why in business they "cut" you a deal, because the timber of the ships needed to be cut. Just like a "Deck" of cards the "dealer" deals you.
There is more to this ancient story and how ALL financial terms and system is setup using Maritime Law