Russell 2000 at a key point. Where is the market going next?The Russell 2000 (RUT) is at the lower support area of a bound trading range since February. Two key indicators already broke down this week. 1) The index dipped below its 200d moving average today. 2) The index is made up of small-caps, and the ratio of performance between small and large caps broke down this past week as well.
It's either time for small-caps to head back up, or this could be the start of a lower move.
Bullish: The US dollar strengthening for small caps is bullish. The 10y Treasury Yield remains low, keeping borrowing rates low for small, but growing companies. Employment data continues to strengthen, showing companies of all sizes, but especially small-caps across recovery sectors are hiring back employees to meet demand.
Bearish: The Fed is talking about a possible start to tapering this year. There are indications that the economic recovery is slowing. Retail Sales were lower than expected. Manufacturing Indexes showed a slow down this week. Small-caps are the most sensitive to changes in direction for the economy.