VARAUSD - IMPORTANT!! Order Flow Tutorial & Cipher B ReviewIf everyone could please watch and listen to this lesson, I go over in greater detail how to record order walls and how to determine which ones are substantial.
At the end the video stopped, what I was going to say was that each time you swing out 10% of your holding, if you are in a loss position, after 10 times your exchange will record your losses for the write off while at the same time you are increasing your holdings or extracting cash which reduces those losses. Depending on how far of a pull back you get it sometimes doesn't take very many swings to bring your portfolio into a break even or profit position but mainly it is always better to take the trade because remember that we are not the only swing traders trading off of these levels. Anyone with order flow can see them and trades off of them. The are real, tangible resistance and constitute opportunities to pivot.