Ford Stock Analysis : A Long-Term PerspectiveIn our exploration of the stock market, we don't limit our analysis to just short-term charts; we delve into the longer horizon as well.
Ford has particularly caught our attention. Our initial entry into Ford was at $10.30, a point which, upon reviewing the broader picture, appears to have been very close to the bottom—hopefully, the lowest point it will maintain. Any movement below this could potentially signal a fall towards the $4 mark, akin to the levels seen during the pandemic.
Assuming we've indeed hit the bottom, a conservative projection sees Ford climbing to at least $45 over a multi-year span. This bold assumption is reinforced by the structure observed on the 2-hour chart, showcasing a Wave (i), Wave 8ii), as well as Wave (iii)and Wave (iv). Our entry at Wave (iv) has proven strategic, with Ford's price appreciating by approximately 7.5% since then.
Believing in Ford's further potential, we plan to adjust our stop-loss just below the pivot point at Wave (iv), setting it at $10.79. We'll provide updates on our take profit targets as they are achieved, closely monitoring the stock for optimal exit points.