Tezos 3.28.21Noobs were literally crying bc it pulled back for a day. Calling it over.Calling Tezos dead. Dont listen to noobs. Emotion will destroy you in this space. Chew you up and shit you out into moon pies. This is why you always take a step back and look at the overall picture. We do not call something dead based on a few 4 hour candles. We let it play out over weekly candles at minimum before we open our mouths. You have two eyeballs learn to use them and use your mouth less. Observe everything. If you can learn to detach from extreme emotion you will do great. If you call everything dead based on a pullback you'll probably remain poor forever. You'll give up on any resistance or set backs. Still in the ACCUMULATION range. yes it could pull back again. Yes it could even come back under the trend line again. But it does not matter.It isjust filling out this entire range before moving on