ZECUSD - may be onto something .... Looking at the daily setup on ZEC it sure looks like a triple top to me .
A triple to would make the calculated move down a move to around 36.79
..Ok stay with me now for some math
if we take the the 36.7 and divide it by the current ZECUSD price of 41.07 it gives .89 as the multiplication factor ...
so now we can speculate the Possible future price as = (current price * .89)
Applying this to following tokens gives the following future prices .
ETH = 187 * . 89 = 166
BTC = 8584 * . 89 = 7654
XRP = .194 x .89 = .172
LTC = 41.7 x .89 = 37.1 1
Now this may or no be correct but if ZEC moves down I'm expecting the other tokens will hit close to the above prices .