VNINDEX will be form two chanel in the next time. The fist chanel ( purple) the index will be up 1886.30, and after that go down to 1517.06, and go up 2522.92. The second chanel ( blue) the index will be down 791.31, and after that go up 1500, and go down 1000.39 and go up 1714.41. That analysis base on Supply- Demand technology.
Both of case may be occur: - The fist it will be accending chanel, retest point 2 (27208.89) and after that go up to 3 point (77980.39), go down to point 4(41622.83), and go up to point 5 (94975.94) - The second it will be decending chenal: it drop down from (50146.62) to (18195.80) and go up (34171.21), and strong drop down to (3144.07). At the moment the...