Group simaler in to wall street bets in China supposedly claiming they are making huge moves on this crypto in the coming weeks. And they got deep pockets
Small short squeeze coming soon
Making big moves here huge market huge room
Getting big speculative attention also sec cool off and huge gain in market makes this very undervalued
I keep loading up on cheap shares
Monster potential and interest waiting to jump in
Just the beginning huge short squeeze coming
Overvalued overhyped short in short term for now
Buy the dips going to the moon soon
Big possible gains coming with wall street bets targeting silver saying it’s being undervalued due to the banks wanting the dollar to be worth more then it is
Big jump coming big volume wall streetsbets is com coming after silver and this has a high short float makes it ideal to screw over the Wall Street hooligans big stuff coming silver is extremely undervalued with the influx of money from the government
A lot more to come still the begining
More to come as well Amazon we are coming for u
I told everyone about xrp. A lot more to come don’t worry
Wrote a lot about this one huge money to be made has been doing great and still tons of room to go Let’s do this