In couple weeks we just already watched a big war between bulls and bears, so its ended with lead of bears now, and the tp is 7.500 possible tomorrow. Have a good trades
We havent seen yet BEARS on the ARENA. So i think it might be upper trend tomorrow morning. 1,66150 is the key level end of this week.
The three time we saw that in h4 timeline; the price comes 105,900 and down again. So our down idea is clear now. The reason why its just ended testing zone. And breakaway. Tp is like 1,03375 end of this week possible. Have a good trades.
The parity as we seen that truely hungry for sellers but the most important key is for sellers is : "never give up the fight.." And the summertime is coming for nortish countries, well its a secret think to make any decisions. And the tp is for long term like: 104,660 21.06.2019 @13:00 Have a good trades all
Okay, we again here about breaking news.. Now , the pullback actually going to be happening about a spesfic decisions. That means its a lot of sell orders around here, its over than %60 percent actually. Even if i know the parity was going down, it could be any mistaken orders playing like does in like roulette. So, crash the rules, breake the events, cut the...
However we are all seen that the big money management companies have literally an idea first to bring price whatever they want to. I will research for a 3 year on Dexia & Standart and poors, also its a big news for comes to me again. Have good trades. For the entry point s just wait 5 min.
In that case, am sorry for the complicated startup , but its an iconic head word.. Okay, let me give you the exact prices and exact times: 1,61250 @ 21.06.2019 13:00 1,57465 @ after this month, well we need watch first.. Its based on fully fundamental analyse by the way, also we checked the charts then, it prooves also we're right. Lets make some a big deals!
The reason of sell first, the fundemantal analyse of japanese economy; strategical investments in country , loyalty etc . Well the big engulf pattern we also faced, @the last winter and i heard some fundamental traders afraid of this section:) . Great of kangoroo's , and it lovers! This pullback never continues we'll see that. In fact ; the point is that the tp...
Bulls arent closed the whole spikes @least. It means that the last idea of mine was correctly clean.. so it is sell.
However, i'd like to be who always jokemaker but its totally simple analyse and its easy for person, an oxford economy degree like me. Have a good trades.
For the long term traders i recommending always that: waiting for the pullback! So, i am today wanna warn about that fact, with this parity again.. 9 days later we will see the price 1,08680 i am sure on it. Because i am knowing the what kind of traders are in EURUSD Parity, and trading pschology of them exactly, its not a guess. Anyway I don't want to explain...
Its exact parity who was doing a big war between bulls and bears; but never forget about horses up here now, also that means price take a little bit reverse action @ this month. Im gonna sell it.
Gunluk ve 4 saatlik grafikte karsimiza cikan boga baskisinin onumuzdeki hafta sonunda daha siddetli sekilde etkisini artiracagi kanaatindeyim.
Tp noktamiz 45 seviyeleridir. Bunay sonuna kadar (en gec) en erken tarih ise onumuzdeki pzt. Sell olmasinda hem fundamental , hem teknik analizler etkilinrol oynadilar. Onun disinda gostergeler ve alligatorler de bu yonde. Fakat benhicbirine itibar etmem. Orada engulf var bakiniz
British pound da gectigimiz brexit kararlarindan sonra yukari yonlu testler sona erdi, bu haftanin sonunda aksam 1,25 leri gormemiz mumkun. Haftaya pazartesi cumaya kadar 1,23 tahmini fiyatlandirma olacagi kanaatindeyim
Today in long term we have %100 percentage to sell eurcad. Thats it.