Bitcoin's dome is getting tested once again. Low risk entries are not found here. Again, more work to be done as price is still: 1) below a declining 36 day moving average. 2) below red Ichimoku Cloud defined resistance.
The FED will cut rates. Then cut again. Then cut some more. Until there is nothing else left to cut.
Gold & silver miners doing what gold & silver miners are supposed to be doing... That is tracking gold's trend versus inflation.
Rising money supply DOES NOT always equate to stock markets going up. Includes Bitcoin & Crypto. Using liquidity (m2) to anticipate stock market reaction is a dangerous game
Just saying... Silver actually rocketed over 44% AFTER the recession officially started back in 2008.
Silver. Bulls still winning. MACD also moving upwards after a 3 year consolidation only the 3rd time in 50 years
YES, gold does track your purchasing power over LONG PERIODS of time. It tracks the inflation ADJUSTED US Dollar more accurately than it does either the US Dollar OR Inflation. It is a better way to understand macro tides which move the price of gold. While there are periods of lower/diminishing correlation... you should really keep your eye on what has been...
Even more damage than originally anticipated on the initial move down for stock markets. 1) More time and energy required to climb back up. 2) Previous support levels now resistance. 3) Possibilities of an even bigger topping structure. It's a different game for bulls now.
JUST A REMINDER Silver tracks gold adjusted for inflation. Incredibly bullish chart for both precious metals. Enjoy the ride!
Question: What sector enjoys economic hardships? Answer: Gold & Silver Miners. See 7 year rate of change for unemployment
Imagine if we never get a new bull market for cryptos? What if bitcoin spends the next years drifting down in a bear market lower & lower? If you aren't ready for this, you seriously need to devise a gameplan to avoid this possible scenario. Stepping aside is allowed!
STOCK MARKETS FALLING APART PRICED IN GOLD !!! Where the Dow Jones Industrial Average goes, so will the S&P500 and the Nasdaq. It's a questions of time.
!!! ANOTHER RECESSION WARNING !!! Major recession signal to be confirmed in a few weeks by the major Canadian stock market. TSX priced in gold. Brace for impact.
Stock market still in a HISTORICAL end game bubble territory !!! Unwind will be EPIC as capital rotation process unfolds.
Expecting a "lost decade" for stock markets. Price is stretched above the historical moving average Inclining 300 Month Moving average
Did you let the "bitcoin reserve" narrative and "fear of missing out" emotions get the better of you? Pending a "dome" (resistance) breach, there are very little reasons to buy or hold bitcoin right now. Until then, let the dust settle, watch safely from the sidelines.
Don't fall for the narrative that money supply will save stock markets (or bitcoin) from entering vicious bear runs. Rising Money Supply Will NOT save stocks markets from a bear market
Will you be able to avoid these 7 bear traps? What if the next rally in stocks is simply one of these? Failed cycle after failed cycle. Don't be a hero, don't try to catch these.