Trying to situate where we are in expansion cycle vs contraction. We might be early, but definitely not late.
Expect months to years for Nasdaq to reach back all time highs. Previous times to recuperate once this signal was hit: 2008 - 1058 days 2011 - 169 days 2012 - 170 days 2015 - 339 days 2018 - 335 days 2020 - 92 days 2022 - ???
I tried to forget anything I know about the gold chart, and showcase my techniques. Notice the weight of evidence and usage of higher time frames to reduce false signals. Harder to do in real time.
This is why silver miners are the better play in the early stages of a precious metals bull run.
Gold's daily Point and Figure chart has a confirmed breakout in November 2021. I annotated my lines in the sand.
Gold approaching a "yield-spread" defined bottom. Let's see if gold can move a head of top rail hit.
Gold has already laid the ground works for silver's ascent back to all-time highs. Watch and learn. Oh man!
Nasdaq's incoming echo bubble. Will it retract back this high? We judge after the bounce.
Crude oil's open interest has been hibernating for many years. Can explode at any moment.
Zoom in on daily gold vs silver ratio chart. Heaven's or hell's door an inch apart. Getting scary tight.
Me thinks gold's daily chart looks pretty awesome right about now... above inclining 200 day moving average + above volume defined base + above cloud
Daily charts are less reliable, but none the less, this is the road map. That 200 day moving average is quit challenging.
How do you like your platinum served at a sizzling 5500$? Red hot!
Road map for 12$ copper in Q3 2023. If current flag breaks out... oh man!
"Commodity Channel Index" Analysis Fust above "take profits" zone (fully reset)
I spy with my little eye... 8100$ gold. Check out the 84 period stoch rsi for clues.
custom stoch rsi settings + momentum structure analysis.
Understanding how a thinly traded up move can be used to your advantage on the way back down.