Gold vs US equities in free fall, setting lower lows. Yet the momentum is bull flagging at higher lows. You can't see this on a daily chart. Zoom out, you'll get an edge.
If gold is cheap vs US equities... Then miners are even cheaper vs US equities. Beautiful +9 year base for miners vs gold exemplifies the risk vs reward profile of miners. Don't say I didn't show you this!
Replaying the 2000 Nasdaq peak today. Could see gold drop to 1550$... But also see NASDAQ fall to 2750$.
LEARN FROM HISTORY How gold behaved last time Nasdaq peaked. First 11 months: Gold got dragged down 15% before bottoming. Nasdaq went down 61% in that same period. Following 20 months: Nasdaq continued down another 58% from there. Gold was already up 27% during that time.
Silver on the brink of greatness! Nasdaq having a rought time letting silver pick up steam vs it, as the fight for capital continues.
copper vs inflation adjusted US dollar (ppiaco) showing near perfect reverse images. Look at those momentum breakouts!
Oil's road maps to 200$ - 400$. Monthly historical chart used and 7 year rate of change.
Daily defined "lines in the sand" for the Nasdaq. Weakness in Tech stocks will eventually fuel precious metals.
Nasdaq entering a hibernation period. How long will the dragon sleep this time?
Silver's next move tied to Nasdaq's momentum. Resolution just around the corner...
Something BIG is happening in the cotton industries.. Thank goodness we don't use cotton in our day to day life!
Gold vs Silver Ratio Monthly Chart. See wicks as noise from smaller time frames. Will this end up being a wick?
My two path ways account for a 40% (2006) or 90% (2008) move.
Silver's bullish setup is there for the taking! The price structure is NOT like 2011-13, but more like 2004 -06 and 2006-08 moves.
Gold setting up the same way Ethereum did before it ran from 180$ to 4200$. HANG ON TIGHT!
If it wasn't clear previously, it's pretty clear now. The transition of capital flows from US equities to gold, silver & friends is under way. US equities preparing for a hibernation period when measured in gold or silver.
Do not fear the boogie man. Any upwards movement for Nasdaq vs Silver is an illusion of strength.
HUGE breakout for personal consumption expenditure price index on yearly rate of change. Back at 1974 levels. INSANE!