Do not fear the boogie man. Any upwards movement for Nasdaq vs Silver is an illusion of strength.
HUGE breakout for personal consumption expenditure price index on yearly rate of change. Back at 1974 levels. INSANE!
Even the PCE (personal consumption expenditure) is tempting a breakout! Check out the previous corresponding signals: 1968 & 2004. We all know what happened to commodities in those eras...
What do 1970, 2005, and 2021 have in common? I would say an EPIC move has just been unleashed...
Don't fool yourselves, it's coming. More impressive, sustained capital flows in commodity complex in 2022.
Year in review for US Dollar index. Momentum already broke down in 2020. Will we see the 7 year rate of change go negative in 2022?
Now, yearly review for US Dollar adjusted for producer price index tells another story... one of weakness.
Notice that the 7 year moving average smooths out silver's volatility. It actually has done higher highs since 1980, and if it's to follow gold again, will surpass it's 2011 moving average highs. I might need myself another coffee to review and better understand this chart.
For all my Duke Nukem friends... uranium futures very beautiful rac can lead this to much higher grounds.
Waiting for ALL TIME highs to enter is NOT the lowest risk vs highest reward entry point. Silver next on deck.
Silver JUST had it's 3rd HISTORICAL yearly defined buying area opportunity As defined by producer price index.
Gold is about to close ABOVE yearly defined breakout line. Note that gold is more ABOVE important support, than BELOW important resistance. Let that sink in.
Silver's stellar year in all likely hood will be 2022. On the brink of an important momentum breakout.
On 2005-2006, copper went up 82% right after in 57 days (topped at just above 4$).
While something SPECIAL is going on with CPI... Something EXTRA ORDINARY has happened to the PPI.
Expect HUGE gains for junior miners early in the gold bull run. 7 year rate of change less and less negative. Setup morphing into existence.
4th greatest signal in over 100 years for inflation. Last time we got this signal was in June 2005 (before that in 1966). We all know what silver & gold did from 2005-2011 (and in the 1970s).
HUGE move on the horizon. 44$ extra from here, or 650% move in 68 months.