Its in an buy zone again and its the best time to buy it now.
It has been distributing for a while and there is some volatility going on.
Its very low again its the best time to buy now. Last time i called it i was right lets hope its right again.
GASBTC has a big hammer and is not looking for resistance for a while.
It is almost back at a huge support level. must see some action soon.
Dusk has been distribution for a 48 Days now. i think theres a high change of it going up to 100%.
We see a lot of reversal patterns going on here and should see some support soon.
Leave below what you think about this chart and you`re prediction.
BTGBTC is at an all time low. We should see soon support soon. Leave suggestions down in the comments :)
Is bitcoin going down to 3k? Leave suggestions out in the comments.