HEADER - IF it moves for 1990 in March - in the next 5 trading days - then in should look more like this vs 16E. SUMMARY - This is supplement for 16E, a part of series 16 posts. DETAILS - All details in 16E, highly recommended for grasp of forecast. All links below for 16 A-B-C-D-E. Odds on May breakout now better than 1 in 3. HIt 1990 twice before APRIL 6...
HEADER - This is a continuation of posts in series 16. This replaces 16 A & B. While this what makes the most sense from a "total theory" point of view, it's a only at best 30% vs all other outcomes at this hour. Then again, the "sideways to July/August is roughly the same odds. I'm not sure this should even be favored. The main reason for my choosing this vs...
HEADER - Just a more specific version of 16A. Zoom out if you want to see to December. SUMMARY - This is a supplement for 16B. That is all.
HEADER - This is a supplement for 16A on gold prices. SUMMARY - Bitcoin has 1 lifeline right now that if it doesn't take, it's 6 feet under. DETAILS - This is same setting as 16C on oil (13/16) except for DAILY BARS. If bitcoin turns up here, there's 4 waves that can turn BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK, on to new ATH. Meanwhile, not taking the route up means 10K...
HEADER - This is a supplement for 16 A&B on gold prices. SUMMARY - What's oil prices have to do with gold? Well you tell me in a few weeks. DETAILS - The blue curve is 1/2 the red curve. It took a major dive while the red curve STAYED ON ITS 2X CURVE, THE DARK GRAY CURVE. How about a friendly wager oil hits 147 by 4/10? This set of curves says 3/29, but add...
HEADER - This is still shifting, so odds are pointless right now. Let's wait until 4/25 and find out more. SUMMARY - It is my recent opinion, that we are going sideways until JULY or even AUGUST. If I respect the curves for 1978 fractal, this would be coming up next. But several things need to happen with the "line by line" breakdown so it's still...
HEADER - Chart above is mostly self-explanatory minus some details. SUMMARY - I've tapered four entries for this trade. Now just waiting on 2135-2140 to exit. DETAILS - Let's break this down more. 1) please be aware that FOMC is 3/16 2) the red box is 1990-2010 3) if it gets near 2000, IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO BREAK THE TRADE IN HALF 4) why? BECAUSE THE TIME...
HEADER - I explained in 14A and 15A that I have some signals saying bottom is in (just minutes ago really). If so, this is coming. SUMMARY - I bought 20k of 3/25 GC 2000 calls as insurance. This is because I see 2110 AS A MINIMUM ON 3/23, and that's THE BEARISH SCENARIO where we move to 1946 first. DETAILS - I literally have no time for this, so I just...
HEADER - We are still on 14A w/1935-1940 target. Momentum says, it's going to finish in 1 day, 2 if late. That makes BOX B simultaenously our entry for 2160 due 3/18-3/22 (Fri-Mon). BACKGROUND - Links for background are below. Please like for support. WILL ADD SUMMARY AND DETAILS LATER, as soon as we finish with 14A. I will say that MARCH-APRIL-MAY LOOK...
HEADER - I've exitted 2059. Waiting to get SHORT W/IN HOURS. SUMMARY - This is the same background as the last chart, 12R, but with a little edit for this TACTICAL SHORT. This trade lasts a A MINIMUM OF 36 HOURS AS A MAXIMUM OF 5 TRADING SESSIONS (1 week from now). DETAILS - Most recent posts are below. Check out 12O, looked really good. This is the same...
HEADER - Exit is going to be WED-THUR, 3/9-3/10. Re-entry will be 3/11-3/15. SUMMARY - There's a lot going on in this post. So it will take me several days to give u all the details of what this all means. At time of posting, I'll just stick to exit strategy and discuss the rest later. See links for previous posts 12O, 12P, and 12Q. DETAILS EXIT...
HEADER - This is supplement to post 12P. This is what I see right now. SUMMARY - I want to exit BEFORE NY CLOSE TODAY. I am planning on re-entry BEFORE NY CLOSE FRIDAY OR MONDAY NY OPEN. If you want the most out this move YOU HAVE TO BE IN FUTURES OR FUTURES OPTIONS (23 hours a day). DETAILS - Please understand that plans can change. But until they do, I am...
HEADER - It's going to be tomorrow if early 3/2, 3/3 is still a tad bit early, 3/4 in the morning most likely, 3/7 if late, 3/8 if a drag. That covers all bases. The yellow highlight is most likely path. Blue highlight is bc post 3/3 still subject to change. PLEASE LIKE FOR SUPPORT. IRL RATIOS: Chart above is ratio 9/16 for 30-min bar (zoom-able for 15min,...
HEADER - I am really, really confident we nail that first box next week or the beginning of the week after (3/7-3/8). Repost for chart settings. SUMMARY - Couple of other things I am sure about 2235 by 4/28, but looking more like 4/18. BUT, It's not going to be a smooth ride based on recent price action. DETAILS - In the most recent notes, I've stated: 1) the...
HEADER: BUY BUY BUY NOW! SUMMARY - You will thank me in 5 days or less. DETAILS - We'll get into all the reasons later, but if you have capital to put to work, you won't get another chance at gold for this price again.
HEADER - This continuation of part 6. This is the best part. Part 8 due next Friday is just exit and review (plus preparation for post FOMC run to 2200 by 04/13 and 2070 by 05/05). Links 1 to 6 are below. SUMMARY - We are not even half way through to 03/01-03/02 2070-2100 high. Odds of 1873-1880 check-down (after NY open tomorrow) are high bc of confluence of...
HEADER - If I could choose one moment in my life to bet on, it is one. I've made no secret that I've been all-in since February 1st. If you are still not in, it's not too late. This thing is not going to take a break until clear 2025 or higher. IRL RATIOS: Chart above is ratio 9/16 for 30-min bar (zoom-able for 15min, 30min, 1h, 2H , 4H, 8H). If you have...
HEADER - This is a specific update for 12J PART 4 with IRL indicator, and some related notes. DIRECTIONS - DIRECTIONS - Upload IRL from my scripts page because it can NOT be searched for. Add to your favorites, and then you can add it to your chart. Click settings icon, change ratio to stated ratio in title and turn on Regressive Bands. Even though directions for...