A couple of days back, I mentioned AMP can drop quite a bit still - and stay there for a while. It will all depend on what happens with BTC this week. My notes about the 24h candle (also on the chart): Could be a reversal signal, once it closes in the 24h. But, the RSI is still in the 48 zone. It needs to be below to 40 AND need to see other indicators + current...
I'm a big fan of AMP, and I will continue to be. It's a great collateral token used by Flexa to speed up merchant's transactions. Do your own research. I feel it went really good in it's first week available at Coinbase Pro, but... RSI at around 58 to this day. If it continues to go down, at the least below 40 - where I usually buy my coins - then we will see a...
If ETH/USD brakes the Fibonacci Retracement support of 1 - right at about $3499 - it could go as low as $2971, considering the 1 hour chart and that the Bollinger Band is in a downtrend. If you go to the daily chart you will see a big curve pointing down. I guess this week will be an interesting one to find that out. I would see this as an opportunity to buy at...
Despite Elon’s tweet yesterday, that pushed the whole market down hard, if you look at the 1 day chart the indicators were already showing a drop. If anything, Elan might have help BTC to get a higher accumulation phase, which in turn could help braking the resistance line even stronger. Roughly, on April 24, the market was down already pretty hard, repeating...