Hi, This is just me trying to learn TA and practicing using differnt indicators. It does not hold a relavancy to anything and was made for personal learning purposes. Happy trading! x LS
Hi, I'm trying to learn TA indicators, so this is for learning purposes only. x LS
Hi, Follow me along, while I'm trying to learn TA indicators. This does not hold any relevancy to current market and is for learning purposes only. x LS
Hi, Follow along while I'm trying to learn TA - first time using TA indicators. This is only for learning purposes and therefore does not hold any relevancy to anything. x LS
Hi, This is for my personal learning, as I'm trying to use TA instruments for the first time. No relevance to anything. x LS
Hi, Follow me along while I'm trying to learn TA. This is for my own learning purposes, as I'm trying to learn TA. x LS