In this video I review again some evidence that everybody can see with their own eyes. The US30 or the DJI is in trouble. There are observable signs of a trend change in a parabolic picture from the Weekly right down to the 4H time frame. The market is convulsing with hope and greed. But the geopolitical situation is very unstable at at this time, and a...
I explore the use of common sense with indicators and add caution on not getting ripped off.
I'm showing another way with trend-following that I'm experimenting with. I invite all traders to get involved, so some back testing on paper-trading accounts and see if we can work this thing. Let's share and grow together.
I'll say no more here. Drop me a line if you have further thoughts.
Every forex instrument is a ratio. Usually the ratio is between two pairs. In the video I show how one can pick out what's happening in one part of the ratio. I explore the use of the Vervoot indicator for highly volatile instruments.
The Euro took a beating over the last several days but the game is not over! This is just hotting up. I refer to some key areas for possible reversal on the lower time frames. EURUSD is a ratio of two currencies. It is important to look at the USD, which on the world stage has actually been weakening. In the video of the weekly chart I look at the strength of...
The bull run today was strong but there are other things happening. I say more in the video. Do share some thoughts/perspectives. It's good to learn from others. Best wishes.
EURUSD fell off a ledge today. In retrospect, I think there was possibly a head and shoulders in there. If so, this could get even more interesting. I'd be delighted to hear from H&S experts out there.
This is a shorter video. Something violent is happening on EURUSD at this time. Play safe! :)
I'll say little here. It's all in the video. Note this is a very different situation, it being parabolic.
I focus more on historical factors in brief overview in the video. There is an emerging perception that both the EURO and the US Dollar a Ponzi schemes of sorts. How can the US Dollar which is backed by 'thin air' have come to dominate the world. What is a Ponzi scheme? Are there similar elements in both the EURO and the USD? Look and you may see. Geopolitics...
Nice channel but with real uncertainty, as always. I'll say little here, as it's all in the video. This is a lovely situation for new traders to play with on a paper trading account. Have a go! It's only play money. Remember when we were kids? We learned by playing.
In this video, I review some evidence available to everybody. I spot some behaviour patterns of Bitcoin over the years. The evidence to date is that it refuses to die - at each stage when people shouted "Crash!" or "Tulip!". I'm not saying that Bitcoin will not die. That's none of my business as a trader. My business is to assess evidence, see patterns and...
I say this is a parabolic war!! Bitcoin taught me a lot about this. Well, I say the US30 is a parabolic situation. If they don't wanna play fair, why should I approach the market with conventional weapons? No! This is a strange war. So - I'm not gonna play by conventional rules. I don't think that's gonna work. Overall in trading, the issue is not winning a...
Of course you can! Studies on so-called professional gamblers show that they are not actually gambling like the average punter. They are fearless, have an organised system, and take their losses like a fine breeze. These are the people most hated by casinos but loved by others. There isn't a proper term I've come across to separate so-called professional...
In this viog I spotted a set up and did not plan to trail. So, the money is on the floor and I take it. Greed and FOMO are not the ways to go. I share how I use some indicators and price movement to assess the situation before entry. I trade what I see, not what I hear. :)) The most important things in trading: 1. See 2. Assess 3. Calculate if risk is...
It's all a matter of perspective and which news you believe. Or maybe you are sensible, to ignore the news and see what's on the charts. The people who deliver the news have no inside knowledge about the markets, and most of them do not do a multi-timeframe trend analysis. They may deliver the 'truth' relative to their own perspective and shorter outlooks....
This is about psychology - that 'no-go' area. In this video I explore negative emotions from different aspects. I look at how emotions are connected to risk and risk management. Avoidance is connected both to risk and emotions. I say that the biggest part of trading is about separating emotions from the objective assessment of risk