Yesterdays epic negative oil prices were due to the fact the CL1! Futures expiration was 21.04.2020, therefore all unsettled contracts had to undergo a physical delivery in the Oklahoma Terminal. The problem however is that the storage is 70% full already and any level above 80% is considered dangerous from the technical point of view. There is nothing...
Here is a set of my recent observations, that might be interesting for the general public. After 2000 Crisis SPY fell by 50%. After the 2008 Crisis SPY fell by 59% from its high. You see the respective percent marks calculated from the 2020 high on the chart. SPY 340 level was taken as the recent market high for convenience purposes. Now, at Friday close...
The Dems these days are a gift that keeps giving, this time finally managing to grasp my attention with something interesting happening in the democratic nominee race- Pete Buttigieg coming first in the Iowa caucus. Bernie and Warren fallowing him with the 2nd and 3d place respectively Biden coming 4th Is almost as much the news as the results release chaos...
While the bear's corpses are still warm, here are my thoughts on the Tesla beautiful madness that we’ve all been witnesses to on the 3d and 4th of February. I guess that literally, EVERYONE was there, trying to get their piece of the action in Tesla. Some late to the party retail investors, all the day and swing trading crowd, with their pitchforks and torches...
It’s time to talk about Trump, and why I think he’s done a good job at being a president so far. First of all, he is not your usual politician. This is good on two fronts simultaneously. Firstly, he does not have to return favors and kiss asses to the circle of insiders, which one inevitably amasses on one’s way up to the presidency, when doing it a...
UK General Election 2019. All you need to know. Plus, a great betting opportunity guide as a bonus. As we all know, The UK General Election is to take place on 12th of December 2019, deciding the fate of the country not only for the next 5 years, but for the decades to come! The need for the election was obvious, given the Brexit impasse in the parliament,...
The UK General Election 2019. All you need to know. Plus, a great betting opportunity guide as a bonus. As we all know, The UK General Election is to take place on 15th of October, deciding the fate of the country not only for the next 5 years, but for the decades to come! The need for the election was obvious, given the Brexit impasse in the parliament, that...
Trump, Brexit, Capitalism and Ancient Rome. We’ve been there before. It is In the light of the Trump's impeachment looming and the Brexit can being kicked further down the road that I wanted to reflect on the reasons behind the two massive 2016 events and the parallels I am seeing with Ancient Rome. The idea behind this article is that although history does not...
Off the wall fun bet out there for you with some political analysis! Have fun and earn money! It's time to talk about the US Presidential Democratic Primaries, so I chose SPY as a symbol of the US to post under. Here is the deal. Either Joe Biden OR Elizabeth Warren is going to be a nominee! Looking at the polls, and, I can't stress it enough, AGGREGATE POLL, ...
It's time to talk about the story of a decade! It is now clear, that General Electric has been cooking it's books for years now! Says Harry Markopolos, a legendary whislteblower, who runs a finical fraud detection company, famous with him exposing Bernie Madoff and his Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, a hedge fund that turned out to...