Are a part of the process... To say otherwise is foolishness... Bearish broadening wedge. And when NVDA is like 7% of the S&P... Well you can do the math...
After a gut wrenching summer. HODLERS will feel some relief and come the new year will bail... You missed the chance of exiting at the top... As for me and my cash. We will be working the ChARTs daily from the ATM "AtTheMarket" and sleeping well at night. These 8 years on this site using the knowledge gained from staring at these screens and figuring out...
Target headed towards $40... People must not like Corporations grooming their children with rainbow ideology. Who knew? On top of an investor DEI class action... This stock got dandruff...
I would not hold this earnings report. This wedge could play all the way out. Almost safer to let it breakout and buy the back test in May... (pink line) Because the orange line is probable as well... Not liking this sell off.
Probable $64,418.25 monthly close... Press play on April fools day to see whose the fool. I pity the fool... Gotta know when to HODL, know when to FODL, know when to walk away, know when to run... You GOTTA count your blessings. Greed KILLS... Hope is a terrible technical indicator. Ideology, even worse. Marry your spouse, not a financial asset.
6 to 1 RR on deck... The levels are clearly marked. Set stops. Size appropriately. Trading is not a sprint to get rich quickly... It's a marathon. The content Trader is the only successful Trader... GREED KILLS.
The stars are aligning! Everything is set up for a melt up in the Silver Price... I had those weak day trader hands... I embrace who I am... I like being in cash... Sleeping like a baby. We are all different. Gotta stay in your lane.
SEP 2022... Then the Biden administration cooked the books. Lied about inflation numbers. Added and subtracted items when needed to direct the herd. Under reported lay offs. The red line is the S&P500. Blue Job Openings. (That kind of divergence should be paid attention too!) Pink projected S&P path... Light Blue projected Job Openings Path... One...
Said I was wrong. An idiot. Clueless... But here we are 198 weeks later... 1386 days!!! And all you Bitcoiners could muster up was an extra 65% ?!?!?!?!? I am talking Bitcoiners... NOT TRADERS! But there were FAR better more lucrative trades than Bitcoins 600% rally from 16k over that period of time. It basically was just an average investment over the...
EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE HOT GARBAGE. The only play is cash and day trading IMHO... Everything else IS BAG HOLDING... Not interested. Selling all my physical AS WE SPEAK. Headed to the coin shop today. Already in cash everywhere else.
And made loot... But be CAREFUL holding here! I think some shady shit went on and they CAN'T get compliant! Delisting on deck in 5 days! This looks like it was smart moneys way to lure in liquidity to exit stage left...
Obviously Buffet sees it... Not a good look. And the question becomes when does the 200 week MA break and move south for the first time in a 100 years? Yeah how long can you kick the can down the road? I think the road has finally come to the dead end.
Also possible on the one hour. We will know shortly what the direction is.
Breakout and snap back shake out. If this level holds. It's on!!!
Looks to me like Gold and Silver are going to follow the entire market down as panic runs through the veins of the globe. $26.50 Silver inbound. $2,587 Gold. A year longer to stack. Leave these ETF's and futures alone! Get your hands on PHYSICAL!
Isn't it weird that a scam like DOGE and everything that is shitcoinville would end up being used as an acronym for the agency that is being used to uncover the scams that will be the pin that pops this bubble? And the fact that the "Dept. Of Government Efficacy" is ran by a guy that dumped DOGE at the top on SNL. Crazy times... This meme coin thing has taken...
Everyone's excited right now. This is the move they say. But there's stop losses set along the way. Algos know. Market makers know. Traders know. Why wouldn't they want cheaper shares? The MM's have the capital place their buy orders right next to your sale orders. And short it right into the area they want. 8hr divergence across all oscillators. This looks...
GSR bout to take it all the way back to 30:1... Gold $3,000 Silver $100