AMEX:SPY first level 3 bullish exhaustion signal on the daily since Jan 2016, when in marked the exact bottom. The other 3 times it happened in the past 30 years were during the 2000-2003 dot com bust. Within 10 candles after the signal: 75% win rate +3.5% average move 4 data points over 30 years
NASDAQ:MKTX has triggered a bullish weekly level 2 exhaustion signal. The backtest has a 100% win rate over 5 data points, with an avg move of +9.5% by the 6th candle following the signal.
NASDAQ:AMD has recently triggered a weekly bullish level 2 signal and will likely trigger a monthly level 1 signal. Corresponding backtest results: Weekly Bullish L2: Avg +20% over 18 candles (14 data points) Monthly Bullish L1: Avg +57% over 17 candles (6 data points)
NYSE:LMT has triggered a weekly bullish level 1 exhaustion signal. This signal has triggered 18 times over the past 40 years with a win rate of 77.8% and average move of +3.8%.
AMEX:DIA has triggered a daily bullish level 2 exhaustion signal. This signal has triggered 13 times over the past 20 years with a win rate of 84.6% and average move of +3.6%.
GSX closed at 4 standard deviations from the yearly VWAP. The odds are strongly in favor of a pullback depending on where it opens tomorrow. It likely will be a quick and deep pullback, possibly followed by a resumption of the uptrend.
NASDAQ:AUPH will stabilize after the stock dilution and continue to its true value in the teens. Buy on the dip.