Shoulder Head Shoulder is almost completed for Long! The short cypher pattern is still valid!
The pattern has a huge way to the Point D! It could be an short opportunity to Point D! And at Point D look for an Long entry!
The market comes close to the previous structure! This deep crab pattern could be a good opportunity to go long.
The market started to raising up from Point C to D!
The market is going to create a potential short pattern (Cypher pattern).
A wonderful pattern which I have to late recognized! This pattern has crashed my bigger pattern as you can see in my publications. It was a greade pattern, everything fit´s and in Addition we had a RSI Divergence. Good Luck Trades!
The market has already fulfilled a short pattern in the time frame of 30min! Unfortunatly I have not to recognized that pattern (I have to late spotted that market), but I have figured out that pattern (120min) in a higher time Frame!
The market has already fullfilled the long pattern and is raising up. From that structure I have derived a potential short pattern (Cypher pattern).
The Chart is going to create a potential short pattern (Cypher).