ADX System Overview So I Came Across Another Trading System for Only $997. However, if you purchased in the next 24hours the whole system could be Yours For Only $497. So I decided to Code it. This is only Version 1, and I discuss in the Video What I’ve found so for, some plans for Version 2 of the indicator, and I ask for your feedback on anything you...
CM_Pivot Bands V1 Special Thanks to Michael S for Introducing Code. Instead of a Long Write Up I Recorded A 8 Minute Video Going Into Detail On V1 Of This Indicator. Please View To See My Initial Findings, My Thoughts For V2, And Items I Need YOUR Help With!!! In Inputs Tab Indicator Has Ability to Turn On/Off Multiple TimeFrames…Thought Process Explained In...
CM_Renko Overlay Bars V1 Overlays Renko Bars on Regular Price Bars. ***Color of Renko Open and Close Lines Change Based on Direction. Default Renko plot is based on Average True Range. Look Back period adjustable in Inputs Tab. If you Choose to use "Traditional" Renko bars and pick the Size of the Renko Bars the please read below. Value in Input Tab is...
Ichimoku Cloud Indicator With Cloud Shading Based On Trend!!! I’m releasing this Indicator b/c of the New Feature that Allows Coding The Fill of The Cloud To Change Colors Based On Trend. However, I will be releasing a Much More Advanced Version Soon!!! Current Features - Via Inputs Tab: - Ability to Turn On/Off Every Plot Individually Via Check Box - Ability...
CM_Laguerre PPO PercentileRank - Markets Topping Original Laguerre PPO code was Created by TheLark. I found if I applied a Percent Rank of the PPO to view Extreme Moves in the PPO it was great at showing Market Tops. Features via Inputs Tab: Ability to set all PPO Indicator Values. Ability to set Warning Threshold Line Value and Extreme Percentile Threshold...
Updated Code That Highlights Bars Based On Days Of The Week. Works On Daily and Intra-Day Bars. Works on All Instruments. Stocks, Forex, Futures, Bitcoin. Shows Correct Trading Sessions!!! Ability to Turn On/Off Each Day Of The Week via Inputs Panel.
CM_Stoch Highlight Bars user belgusinc Wanted to Know How To Create Highlight Bars based on Stochastic Bars Being Overbought/Oversold Here is a Coding Example Basics: Ability to turn On/Off Crosses Only Above or Below High/Low Lines. User sets Values Of High/Low lines. (Determines how highlight Bars are plotted, Based on the Value of the High/Low lines. Ability...
Multi Time Frame Stochastic Loaded With Features. Basics: - Ability to turn On/Off Crosses Only Above or Below High/Low Lines. - User sets Values Of High/Low lines. - Ability to turn On/Off All Crosses, Both BackGround Highlights and “B”, “S” Letters. - Ability to turn On/Off BackGround Highlights if Stoch is Above Or Below High/Low Lines. - Ability to All...
New Pivots Indicator With Options for Daily, 4 Hour, 2 Hour, 1 Hour, 30 Minute Pivot Levels! Great for Forex Traders! - Take a Look at Chart with Weekly, Daily, and 4 Hour levels. Weekly Pivots Indicator is separate - Link is Below. Plot one Pivot Level or Multiple at the Same Time via Check Boxes in the Inputs tab. Defaults to 4 Hour Pivot Levels - Adjust in...
CM_Willams %R and CCI BackGround Highlight Created By User Request Indicator Highlights: Creates Red BackGround Highlight if CCI Or Williams %R are Above Upper Line (User Defined) Creates Green BackGround Highlight if CCI Or Williams %R are Below Lower Line (User Defined) Ability to Turn On/Off either Williams %R or CCI Highlights in Inputs Tab via Check...
TimWest Long Short Filters Indicator Has 3 Separate Filters that Create Green(Bullish) or Red(Bearish) BackGround Highlights If Price is Above or Below a certain LookBack Period - Tim Defaults to 63 on Daily Chart to Quickly View if Price is Above or Below it’s Price 1 Quarter Ago. A Simple Moving Average Filter - Tim Defaults to 50 SMA and 200 SMA also known...
Tim West BackGround Highlight! What Is Tim’s Top Request? AND YOURS? I’ve often heard Tim West Request A Change In BackGround Color Based on certain Criteria. The Chart Above is just a Simple EMA Cross That Changes BackGround Color Based On Trend. Tim, LIST THE CRITERIA YOU WOULD FIND MOST USEFUL TO CHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR…And I Will Provide Your Indicator...
New Coding Capability! List Your Request For Custom Indicators! This chart shows a new coding feature in TradingView. The ability to change the Fill colors based on conditions. The chart above is the Ichimoku Cloud with several of the Plots turned off so you can clearly see the Cloud Change Colors Based on Trend. The Yellow arrows show there the TenKan...
See First Chart Post For Specific Details on Both Systems.
CM Gann Swing High Low V2 Added Improvements: Used PineScript “linebr" code so solid lines plot only when condition = true. Via Inputs Tab: Ability to Turn On/Off Highlight Bars When Crossing Above/Below Swing High Low Ability to Turn On/Off Back Ground Highlights When Crossing Above/Below Swing High Low Ability to Turn On/Off linebr plots. Other Features: ...
A While back I did a post on EURUSD Showing probability of the big move down we’ve seen. Here is the Link: About 3/4 of the page down I posted another chart with support levels. I received a few questions where I could tell other traders were looking to buy at the first major support levels. I asked this Question: IF Price does start to...
When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom. This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To Calculate Volatility Be Careful Of Using w/ Market Tops. Not As Reliable. ***Ability to Control ATR Period and set...
Heikin-Ashi Paint Bars. Paints Candlesticks or OHLC Bars The Exact Same as Traditional Heikin-Ashi Bars Heikin-Ashi Paint Bars. Paints Candlesticks or OHLC Bars The Exact Same as Traditional Heikin-Ashi Bars ***Better to use with Indicators because Traditional Heikin-Ashi Bars don't show correct Open, High, Low, Close.