Good days for my script who detected all pumps! Have a look, minimum gain was 5% and a lot more than 10%. I'm following this coin because in few time he gave me a lot. No new bottom alert for the moment so the price will be UP again.
Hi, Script some days ago found a new bottom who reached a lot of times 10% gains (some of you was happy to buy and made more than 10%). During red market it's strange to make 10% more than one times. Just before the pump we received a new bottom. All 10% gains before could alert us to understand tha t not a signal to make 5 or 10% but much more. I've not taken the...
Pump was detected by the script. 10% gain was done. No new bottom detected for the moment so the price could go UP again. We re thinking to add a new color on our script alert for help to find when a pump est detected.
On last 2 weeks I've receive two alerts to buy BTC. On each of theses alarms 6% gain was done. Bottoms was correctly found by the script.
Before today, I've never tested to find bottom on bitmex market! It was an error, I've found a lot of them and always a gain can be done. I'll create an account to test in real life!
Using my script who give me these bottoms and configured it to give an alert when an gain of 5% is done. It's working well. No new alert for today, I'm waiting for a new bottom to buy again. Much of 5% was done during this period but previous red market stop me to try more!
Hi, Sxript found a lot of 5% gain on Monero. These script updates are not available for the moment. Only for beta testing. You can see for all bottoms detected by the script 5% gain was done. Script show a signal when 5% gain is reach. You can see most of the tiime you could more than 5%. On this period I prefer to stop at 5%. I've added on the script the ability...
As you can see on the updated script we receive now an alert when a gain is reached. For this exemple you can see have only checked gain for 1.2%, 2.6% and personal gain (I've putted it to 7%). All signals have gain. Small indicator is for 1.2%, medium is for 2.6% and top siganl is for personal gain. No signals was found for today. I'll wait for a new signal ...
As you can see some bottoms can be found too on Bittrex. Cloak loose a lot during tese days but a lot of small profit could be done. During red period I'm using only short strategy with gain between 1.2 and 2.6%. With these signals often you have more than I expected. No new signals was detected since one week.
As you can see on a long period with one hour timeframe, my script found a lot of bottom and made signals. All of them 12 was good for trading. For all signals minimum gain was more than 1.2%. On a coin who loose a lot during this period it's really good! No signals was detected for today as you can see. More profit coud be done using the previous alert. Have...
Yes you can win money with the 2nd more bad altcoin today on binance. We receive for today 2 signals and made 2.5% on each. Good idea to use short timeframe on bad coins
Hi, I've added on the chart two backgrounds colors. Green when the market is UP and red when it goes down. If a signal appear just after the market goes red, signals could be false. See with this DGD exemple how it's works. Two signals appear just after the backgroup become red. During green days you can trade all times but carrefully during red days.