Everyone that is a silver bull needs to pay attention to this chart...Silvah vs SPX is signaling a major change has begun. I fully expect silver to move up hard from here vs SPX which will likely leave stock investors (retail plus the big bois) seeking better returns in metals...specifically in silver. I do see Gold continuing to rise...and I am not saying...
Inspite Friday's hard dump, I fully expect Silver to hold the $31 level and reverse hard early this week...we will likley see one more sell off later today or on Monday...then take off. My primary count remains very boolish!
Silvah is starting to make all bearish counts go by the wayside...below is my current primary count and yes it is EXTREMELY BOOLISH....my alt count which had a major pull back before taking off is quickly looking less likely...(note -Both counts are ultimately boolish...just the alternate had a significant pb for the rocket launch....)
As much as I hate to admit it, I think that we will have one more major shakeout that will be intense and will cause panic in the precious metals markets. The bullion banks are loaded up with shorts...and yes that could mean that a short squeeze ensues and takes metals up explosively. However, absent some major geopolitical event or similar, I think that the...
Get on the train bois and grls...this one has left the station and will delivery 3x or more over the next 3-5 months in my opinion....all technicials and waves looks very very good!
AG is a MAJOR LONG right here and now...this should do incredibly well over the next months...just have to have diamond hands to weather some of the Pull Backs...but it will give you a 5-10x ROI...maybe more...all by end May in my opinion!
This is the move we have been waiting for in Silver...this one should run to $50+ over the next few months...yes there will be some pull backs along the way...but I project we will hit the $50+ mark by May.
This ratio is screaming silvah up and SPX doing down...seems pretty clear to me.
This drop has been sudden and significant...lots of bearish sentiment prevails and is all over social media...this is typical of a bottom. Plus when you look at the charts I see s series of 1,2's that have formed which means an explosion is coming...a "beach ball" move is what I am expecting over the next few months...starting this week!!!!
Get on the silver train...the MAJOR move we have been waiting on has started...I loaded up back around $24 in both physical and miners ... things look very very good if you ask me.
Yes silver has continued to consolidate and has not yet broken out...but I say the pivot is in and we go up from here...timing is tough to ascertain, but I think we are about to see the breakout...very...very...sooooo!
We have been waiting for this for a long time...but patience is about to pay off imo...the big move is finally about to happen!
The move we have been waiting on is starting...the final pivot low is complete...and major up move starts now!
Several individuals have inquired about my current count on Silver...below is the count for this most recent correction....there are multiple ways to view this but this is my primary right now...we are in a WXY with one small final wave down to $26 coming most likely today or tomorrow...before a major pivot.
Looks like the expected pivot in the gold / silver ratio may finally be complete...if this play out expect major mover in silver over the next few weeks relative to gold...gold may continue up...but silver should significantly outpace any positive move in gold.
Silver /SPX ratio pivot appears to be complete...expect major move in silver along with possible pull back in spx to drive this ratio up substantially.
To me the pivot in this decline in silver should start this week.... the recent breakdown of the gold/siiver ratio appears to in the process of being back tested...the next move is a strong pump in silver...gold may hold steady or it may pull back a bit...hard to tell...if the DXY dumps hard gold will likely push a bit more...but silver should push much much more!
Chart speaks for itself...we should see this take off soon!