Looks like we're going up then down. How far down isn't clear but it's looking interesting. Not very big movements yet.
Looks like we might be going down. You don't typically see the Cup and Handle forming very often, but it looks like this one's taking shape inverted. If it takes it's shape and forms the handle, then I'm thinking we're going down from here.
6100 range. Might tickle the 6500 top, but we're quite likely down from here.
Possible dump incoming. Target location is 6100 - 6000. Recommended Take Profit Safezone: 6110
Down from here I'm thinkin'. Targeting 6800 as the a focal point.
Recalculated as close to the candle wicks as I possibly could in order to generate a new position calculation. Here's hoping it's correct with the new percentages.
So far from previous Pump and Dump movements, the timeframe length has an increase of 24.85% with a top-end decrease of 38.31% per movement calculated from the very bottom of a trend's wick. Through that, and this current bottom and support maintains itself, we should be heading upwards decently. Note: This is a ballpark calculation and not 100% accurate down to...
Looks like the dump momentum is decreasing about 45.45% currently. If it follow that trend it'll most likely pump. So far the RSI and Stochastic is showing it's middle-ground and quickly headed to the bottom. I've got a feeling it's going to shoot up after that, but how far is unclear.
I think we might be going up, though it's still not very clear.
Potentially a repeat of the 3rd. I think we've hit a valley and it's going to go sideways for a little bit, then pump up again to meet the previous tend's levels or slightly higher, then drop through the floor.
Testing out something new. So far indicating it's going down. Curious. Lets see if it's correct.
Looks like we're going up, but might not be for a long position. Everything is still too turbulent but it seems the market is wanting to go bull for a time. Good for scalping.
Looks like we may actually be going down. W formation was in isolation to the long spike earlier that got sold out. Trend is showing a concave formation that may indicate it's drop if the market has normalised.
Might be going up by the looks of it. Convex with a W formation at the bottom.
Looks like turbulence seems to be calming down. Concave shape forming. We might be going down.
If it maintains its current convexical shape and the fractals hold, we're going up again.