This Chart shows the indicators that Andreas Beck is using to monitor the change between the Portfolio Setups: Regime A = 80% invested in Stock Market (normal status) Regime B = 90% invested (i.e. Stock Market is 20% down and Credit Spread has risen higher) Regime C = 100% invested (i.e. Stock Market is 40% down and Credit Spread has risen higher) The...
This shows the Quotient of the Dow Index versus Ounces of Precious Metals Gold, Silver, Platin, Palladium Ir shows whether metals are cheap or expensive compared to the Dow Index. Low values mean: buy that metal, since it is cheap compared to High values mean: sell that metal, since it is expensive compared to stocks This is the game that the rich and wealthy...
SPX and VIX are contrary indicators, that run in advance over short time frames.
Sine VSLV has risen, I openend a strangle at 14,75 and 21,25 for a runtime of 70 days (October 2017). Both ends end up being delta 5 with premium of 230 $ each.
The rising VIX gave me the option to sell options for 350 $ each. Since all other indicators show that we have a short term correction, I sold the otion for a 60 day runtime.
Since the CL is circling between 55 and 42 in the last months, I create a new strangle position with 66 day runtime until mid October, selling lower side at 38.5 for a 200 $ premium and higher side 57 for 170 $. Volatility has risen in the last days, which is my main indicator for taking a position.
one long term dividend payer stocks is BPL, which pays 8% yearly as dividend increasing dividends yearly for 6% for 20 years now 48% long term debt, fair value is 65$ trading at 63.50$ at the moment
Looking at S&P 500, SKEW, VIX, VVIX and Yearly Highs and Lows, everything looks like the S%P 500 trend is still valid.
TROW is another company that pays currently 3,2% dividend per share, increasing their dividends yearly for 15% in the last 20 years. fair value: 75$ currently trading at 71$ 1% long term debt (!), 15% increas of dividend in the last 20 years
Here is another dividend champion with a payout of 5,1% per share. Fair value: 43$ currently trading at 38$ Rating BBB+, 47% long term debt, yearly dividend increase of 4%
If you look at the dividend payout ratio, you see that TGT is trading at 4,4% meaning that you get 4,4% yearly for your shares. Company class A rating, 46% debt/ratio, stock's fair value is 63$ currently trading at 55$
Analyse stocks by looking at 3 MONTH time frame looking at Dividend Payouts and Dividend/Price Ratio. For example: A stock that raises its dividends for many years now yearly by more than 10% and has currently a 4,2% dividend/price ratio (meaning you get 4,2% dividends per every USD you pay) is a good buy, since it is very cheap historically and will probably...
If you look at the VIX, the SKEW and the yearly high & lows of the S&P 500, you get a pretty good idea of the strength of the trend or the drawdowns. The lowest indicator is a sum up of all four values and gets RED as soon as 3 of those indicators are in a downtrend.
According to the seasonal pattern (summer rally), Corn Future is on its move to higher ground also raising volatility along its move upward. This trend is supported by the commercials' net long position, which comes from the closing out of the short positions. OI is rather low, meaning that public is not the driving source behind the price movement. Option Trade...
since the shakeout was based on a shorthanded political event, we can speculate on a return to the mean of the VXX down curve due to the medium volatility in VIX, we can move the short Call to 20 (approx. Delta 15) if VXX should rise, we would buy back the option and sell it again at 25 or 30 to collect the lost premium
The charts shows that AdvanceDecline Line and VIX are showing the tops and bottoms of S&P price movement. You'll also notice, that ADL is changing direction a few days before the S&P 500 follows. VIX shows how "deep" the correction will be and when it ends.
If you look at SKEW and VIX and combine both indicators, you can clearly see draw downs coming.
This chart shows the most current values of Volatility Indices for the mostly used Future Underlyings: ES, B6, E6, ZL, ZN, ZC, ZW, Russell etc.