1.41022 USD/CAD: 3.Target (2576 Chance) 1.40162 USD/CAD: 2.Target (1716 Chance) 1.39771 USD/CAD: 1.Target (1325 Chance) 1.38446 USD/CAD: last Price 1.36369 USD/CAD: last Support (2077 Risk) You can use the support levels as stop-loss price level. And alle 3 targets also even as take profit price leves too, if you want. But take care! Think about it - and create...
143.54 EUR: 5.Target (33.29 $ Chance) 128.07 EUR: 4.Target (17.82 $ Chance) 126.84 EUR: 3.Target (16.59 $ Chance) 121.31 EUR: 2.Target (11.06 $ Chance) 115.25 EUR: 1.Target (05.00 $ Chance) 110.25 EUR: last Price 094.80 EUR: last Support (15.45 $ Risk) You can use the support levels as stop-loss price level. And alle 5 targets also even as take...
117.61 $ 3. Target (15.64 $ Chance) 109.46 $ 2. Target (07.49 $ Chance) 104.76 $ 1. Target (02.79 $ Chance) 101.97 $ last Price 096.79 $ last Support (7.97 $ Risk) You can use the support levels as stop-loss price level. And alle 3 targets also even as take profit price leves too, if you want. But take care! Think about it - and create your own...
97.27 $ 2. Target (3.30 $ Chance) 96.58 $ 1. Target (2.61 $ Chance) 93.97 $ last Price 93.42 $ 1. Support (0.55 $ Risk) 92.39 $ 2. Support (1.58 $ Risk) Change/Risk Ratios are 1st 4.75 and 2nd 2.09 C/R Ratio = 1.Target/Support and 2.Target/Support You can use both support levels as stop-loss price levels. And both targets also even as...
NASDAQ:AAPL A New high, based on fundamentals I can`t imagine. But Based on technicals, may be the stock is finding it`s own, round about 90 $ (since the start of this year 2016, until now). For example, the chart is changing it´s path from southeast to middle east - since the start of this year 2016. And the error outbreaks into the North and the South, in...