Possible next moviment em short term, optimal risk x return ratio. If it fail, it will be fast
If confirmed, the final target of Bitcoin Bullrun is U$300k.
For study only. No target, it just looks like it will enjoy exponential growth in the short term
If (or when) reach ATH U$44k will the first next target.
If (or when) reach ATH U$44k will the first next target.
If (or when) reach ATH U$35k will the first next target.
After 2 years of lateralization, we can be close to a new big movement in the marijuana market. High risks are included, manage your exposure
The projection of yellow triangle suggest U$57k for target. Take care, hi risks are included, manage your exposure
Take care, U$1300 may be coming. This possibility is REAL
I suggest this two enter long points for +30% profit
The best place for you starting your long