Djinn Predictive Indicator. The FUTURE of any asset. In any market. For any time frame.
Djinn Predictive Indicator The future of any asset. In any market. Within any time frame.
Djinn Predictive Indicator. The future of any asset. In any market. Within any time frame.
Courtesy of the Djinn
This chart will be updated with new swing dates before November 28, 2018.
The FUTURE high / low price swing dates for K (Kellogg Company)
The Future high/low price swing dates for BCOUSD
The FUTURE High/Low price swing dates for CHF/JPY
The FUTURE high/low price swing dates for JPYAUD
The FUTURE high/low price swing dates for EURJPY
The FUTURE high/low price swing dates for EUR Fx/USD
The FUTURE price swing dates for SBUX
The FUTURE high and low price swing dates for Amazon
Future price swing dates for EOS based on the Stoch RSI