1. Nice forming around the high. 2. Today the spy was very bearish but this stock holds
Bearish stock + short consolidation around the low. If I have a bacup of the bearish market it can be a win trade :) Lets see
1. Several inverted hammers forming in the last few days. 2. So decided to trailed the SL above them to minimize risk and loss This stock refused to spike down thoufh the entrire markesd is bearish :( Lets see what next
1. The graph breached up after several consolidation days 2. When it went up a little ,decided to trailed the SL above the exit entry point Not a profitable trade but at least didn't turn it to a loss.
Recap: 1. profitable trade 2. Partial hit original traget 3. trailed SL above the entry point 4. Second portion hit the trailed SL