The top 2 fractals managed to forecast the top on 17 December 2024. Since then they have been invalidated, however I keep them for a reference for now. The bottom 2 fractals are from 2 entirely different astro cycles. The have some small differences, however both of them are building a picture of a bull January, with a local bottom and bull reversal between 29...
Today is 21 December 2024. I expect a GREEN closure on 22 December, and a RED closure on 24 December. One thing is clear to me that lower prices of Bitcoin and Alts are coming in the near future and therefore it is unlikely that the MMs will go straight down. I expect a LH on 28-31 December 2024 and then a local bottom on 1-3 January 2025. The higher...
These are 3 x Ceres in Aquarius fractals from the past 3 occasions in Bitcoin's life. What I like about these fractals is that 2 of them top on 16 & 17 of December which is a confluence to the Moon cycle topping on 16 December 2024. This Ceres in Aquarius confluence seems good quality because these cycles repeat only once in 4 years and to get 2 cycles to...
Testing Esoterica variables for the days ahead to 13 October 2021. The focus is on the daily closing prices.
Using variables from my indicator Esoterica. I would like to put them to the test.
Using variables from my indicator Esoterica. I would like to put them to the test.
On 8 October 2021, asteroid Ceres is turning retrograde and I wonder what will happen this time when it conjuncts Black Moon Lilith again soon. The last time they conjuncted was on 22 April 2021.
This is just for my friends. I use only esoteric methods of forecasting prices.
This is just for my friends. I use only esoteric methods of forecasting prices.
This is just for my friends. I use only esoteric forecasting methods.
This is just for my friends. I use only esoteric methods of forecasting price movements.